Title     The Arts WA Curriculum P – 6 (Primary)
Target Audience     Catholic Schools - Other Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools
Rationale     To provide primary teachers with an opportunity to network and view and discuss the Achievement Standards for The Arts P-6 WA Curriculum. This is a valuable networking day for early career teachers as well as others. The teacher practices incorporated into this Network Day will include; Learning Design, Engagement, Instructional Range and Place, Space and Technology
Content     • Understanding of the variety of programs that can be offered to meet the curriculum needs. • Sharing of student lessons by arts teachers. • Networking Opportunities with like-minded teachers. • Practical sessions for teachers of the arts. • Opportunity to cross mark student work.
Category     Teaching and Learning
Teacher Practices include Engagement, Instructional Range, Learning Design, Space, Place and Technology
Who Should Attend     All Primary Arts teachers from CEWA
Additional Comments      
Outcomes     On completion participants will: 2. Know content and how to teach it. 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environment 6. Engage in Professional Learning 7. Engage professionally with colleagues and the community
Presenter     Jackson Bennett-Surtees and various CEWA teachers
Administrative Assistant     April CooksonTelephone 62286624
Course Convenor     Bernadette Higgins
Start Date     16-SEP-2024
Start Time     8:30 AM
End Date     16-SEP-2024
End Time     3:30 PM
Venue     Newman Siena Centre, 33 Williamstown Road, DOUBLEVIEW 6018
Fees     Catholic Schools $55.00 - Other Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools $110.00
An additional 10% GST will be charged to non-Catholic Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools.

Admin Asst Phone     62286624

© Catholic Education Office of Western Australia 2012.