Title     Accreditation to Teach Course - Great Moments in the Second 1000 Years of Church History - 2 Day course (Perth)
Target Audience     Catholic Schools - Other Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools - Relief Teachers
Rationale     To enhance teachers' understanding of key scriptural and theological topics.
  • Renewal
  • Reformation
  • Revival.
Category     Accreditation
Who Should Attend     Those wishing to complete Accreditation to Teach, Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Accreditation for Leadership or those wishing to gain credit towards ongoing renewal of an Accreditation Number.
Additional Comments      
Outcomes     On completion participants will:
  • have a greater understanding of a specific area of theology
  • have a greater understanding of content for teaching Religious Education
  • gain credit towards study component of Accreditation to Teach and to Teach Religious Education
  • gain 12 hours knowledge towards ongoing renewal of an Accreditation Certificate.
Presenter     Monsignor Kevin Long PhD
Administrative Assistant     Kelly FarmerTelephone 93801975
Course Convenor     Diana Alteri
Start Date     02-OCT-2024
Start Time     9:00 AM
End Date     03-OCT-2024
End Time     3:30 PM
Venue     CEWA - James Nestor Hall, 50 Ruislip St, LEEDERVILLE 6007
Fees     Catholic Schools $205.00 - Other Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools $260.00 - Relief Teachers $200.00
An additional 10% GST will be charged to non-Catholic Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools.

Admin Asst Phone     93801975

© Catholic Education Office of Western Australia 2012.