Title     Planning with the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines
Target Audience     Catholic Schools
Rationale     The School Curriculum and Standards Authority in collaboration with Catholic Education, invites Catholic school leaders and early childhood teachers to participate in a workshop to support their planning and assessment with the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines (the Guidelines).
Teachers will be supported to develop planning documents for their program and learning environment that reflect and complement their specific context. The session will also explore monitoring and assessment practices.
Content     This session will provide an overview of the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines, including the Vision, Principles & Practices of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), an opportunity to reflect on your context and practice, time to develop documents for planning your program and learning environment and review of the EYLF Principle: Assessment and evaluation for learning, development and wellbeing.
Category     Teaching and Learning
Teacher Practices include Instructional Range, Learning Design, Quality Relationships
Who Should Attend     Leaders and Kindergarten Teachers
Additional Comments      
Outcomes     On completion participants will: Standard 1: Know students and how they learn:
1.2 Understand how students learn.
Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it:
2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area;
2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting;
2.5 Literacy and numeracy strategies.
Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning:
5.1 Assess student learning;
5.4 Interpret student data.
Standard 6: Engage in professional learning:
6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice;
6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice.
Presenter     Kristy Howson (SCSA Principal Consultant, Curriculum and Assessment – Early Childhood)
Administrative Assistant     April CooksonTelephone 62286624
Course Convenor     Wendy Manners
Start Date     26-JUN-2024
Start Time     9:00 AM
End Date     26-JUN-2024
End Time     3:00 PM
Venue     Newman Siena Centre - S1.01 (Seminar Room), 33 Williamstown Road, DOUBLEVIEW 6018
Fees     Catholic Schools $55.00
An additional 10% GST will be charged to non-Catholic Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools.

Admin Asst Phone     62286624

© Catholic Education Office of Western Australia 2012.