Title     Students with Disability - Secondary Education Support Network Day – 2024 - PERTH
Target Audience     Catholic Schools
Rationale     This Professional Learning opportunity will focus on the Teacher Practices of Quality Relationships, Learning Design , Engagement & Place, Space & Technology. Secondary Education Support Network meetings provide an opportunity for coordinators and teachers of students with disability to come together to discuss current innovations, showcase good practice and set up professional networks. These meetings will allow teachers to increase their repertoire of good teaching and coordination practices which in turn will enhance outcomes for students.
  • Disability Specific Information
  • NCCD
  • Funding
  • Transition to Adult Life
  • Personalised Learning
  • Using Technology to Enhance Student Learning
Category     Teaching and Learning
Teacher Practices include Engagement
Who Should Attend     Secondary Education Support Coordinators and Secondary Disability Support Coordinators
Additional Comments      
Outcomes     On completion participants will:
  • Established or increased their professional network
  • Increased their repertoire of good teaching practices
  • Gained an understanding of current trends and developments within special education
Presenter     Various
Administrative Assistant     Melba LoboTelephone 63805317
Course Convenor     Paula Power
Start Date     03-SEP-2024
Start Time     8:30 AM
End Date     03-SEP-2024
End Time     4:00 PM
Venue     Newman Siena Centre - S1.01 (Seminar Room), 33 Williamstown Road, DOUBLEVIEW 6018
Fees     Catholic Schools $55.00
An additional 10% GST will be charged to non-Catholic Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools.

Admin Asst Phone     63805317

© Catholic Education Office of Western Australia 2012.