Title     Intervention Based Assessments for Students of Concern
Target Audience     Catholic Schools
Rationale     Intervention based assessment is a systematic process of assessing the needs of students of academic or behavioural concern and implementing targeted interventions to resolve. This approach works in consultation with the CEWA Psychologists to ensure early intervention for students through continual assessment, intervention and monitoring the individual students progress to prevent further academic setbacks and improve student outcomes.
Content     • Data informed decision making • Formulating goals for improvement • Selecting targeted interventions • Monitoring and evaluating response to interventions • Pre- referral requirements for normative based psychoeducational assessments • Resources and screening tools
Category     Psychology, Safety and Wellbeing
Who Should Attend     Mental Health Practitioners, Assistant Principals, Deputy Principals, Learning Support Coordinators
Additional Comments      
Outcomes     On completion participants will: School staff are equipped to better support students of concern through proactive and responsive early intervention.
Presenter     Dr Laura Allison, Gabriella Guagliardo & Shannon Steven
Administrative Assistant     Marie KellyTelephone 63805297
Course Convenor     Dr Laura Allison
Start Date     29-AUG-2024
Start Time     9:00 AM
End Date     29-AUG-2024
End Time     4:00 PM
Venue     Newman Siena Centre - S1.01 (Seminar Room), 33 Williamstown Road, DOUBLEVIEW 6018
Fees     Catholic Schools $50.00
An additional 10% GST will be charged to non-Catholic Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools.

Admin Asst Phone     63805297

© Catholic Education Office of Western Australia 2012.