Title     MATHEMATICS Minecraft Teacher Academy
Target Audience     Catholic Schools - Other Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools
Rationale     Minecraft Education is an open world game that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem solving in an immersive environment where the only limit is your imagination. During this workshop, you will receive an overview of Minecraft Education, learn to play the game, and explore curriculum and classroom resources you can take back to your classroom and continue your journey. In this workshop we will particularly focus on Numeracy and Maths activities, exploring how they can be effectively incorporated to enhance learning experiences. The content will be most suitable for teachers and coordinators of Years 2-10.
Content     • Learn about Minecraft Education, its place in learning, and unique features suited for teaching & learning with immersive games. • Become a Minecraft player. Learn the controls, crafting, and game features necessary to gain confidence and lower anxiety about game-based learning. • Learn strategies, tips, and tricks to integrate Minecraft into your Mathematics classroom. Learn what’s worked for educators successfully teaching with Minecraft, along with resources you can bring back to your own classroom. • Take a learner’s role, and walk through a learning experience featuring Minecraft. Then, move through examples traversing grade span and subject area, demonstrating the global applicability of Minecraft in schools.
Category     Teaching and Learning
Teacher Practices include Instructional Range, Learning Design, Space, Place and Technology
Who Should Attend     The content will be most suitable for teachers and coordinators of Years 2-10.
Additional Comments     This is an interactive workshop, so please bring a computer or tablet with Minecraft: Education Edition installed. You can download Minecraft from here: Download | Minecraft Education If you are using a Windows or Mac computer, it would also be handy to have a mouse to use. Please also check that you can successfully log on to Minecraft with your school email account.
Outcomes     On completion participants will: 2 – Know the content and how to teach it 3 – Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning 6 – Engage in professional learning
Presenter     Steven Payne, Minecraft Certified Trainer
Administrative Assistant     Jill ClarkeTelephone 62286673
Course Convenor     Matthew Ferrinda
Start Date     04-NOV-2024
Start Time     9:00 AM
End Date     04-NOV-2024
End Time     3:00 PM
Venue     CEWA - S15, 50 Ruislip Street, LEEDERVILLE 6007
Fees     Catholic Schools $55.00 - Other Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools $55.00
An additional 10% GST will be charged to non-Catholic Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools.

Admin Asst Phone     62286673

© Catholic Education Office of Western Australia 2012.