Title     Unlocking Curiosity: Nurturing and Cultivating Inquiry Day 1: Nurturing and Cultivating Cultures of Curiosity: Leading with a Lens of Inquiry.
Target Audience     Catholic Schools - Other Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools
Rationale     The inquiry process is a teaching practice that is used as a framework for teaching and learning with the students in our classrooms, but what happens when leaders use this philosophy to design, lead & inspire their teachers? In this session leaders will engage in school vision work, goal setting and specific action steps moving forward.
Content     This session will be your launching point to truly determine where your efforts and actions need to be focused, including the “who” and “how” we can get there as a collaborative school community.
Jessica and Trevor will call on participants to further consider the balance of our mindsets and moves as both inquiry and managerial leaders engaging in an inquiry process that compares systems and reflects on the cultures that we are trying to cultivate. focusing in on the “stones” we cast that, in turn, have the ripple effect we intend on those we serve.
From skillful questioning and listening to designing campus professional learning, participants will leave with the essentials needed to further step into their roles as inquiry leaders.
Category     Teaching and Learning
Who Should Attend     School Leaders, Aspiring Leaders and Early Childhood Coordinators
Additional Comments     Please register via EVENTBRITE for non CEWA Schools. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/unlocking-curiosity-leading-with-a-lens-of-inquiry-tickets-922677742967?aff=oddtdtcreator
Outcomes     On completion participants will: Standard 1: Know students and how they learn:
1.2 Understand how students learn.
Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning:
5.1 Assess student learning; 5.4 Interpret student data.
Standard 6: Engage in professional learning:
6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice;
6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice.
Presenter     Trevor MacKenzie and Jessica Vance
Administrative Assistant     April CooksonTelephone 62286624
Course Convenor     Wendy Manners
Start Date     29-JUL-2024
Start Time     8:30 AM
End Date     29-JUL-2024
End Time     3:30 PM
Venue     ALOFT Hotel, The Springs - 27 Rowe Ave, RIVERVALE 6103
Fees     Catholic Schools $150.00 - Other Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools $250.00
An additional 10% GST will be charged to non-Catholic Schools/Organisations/Non-CEWA Catholic Schools.

Admin Asst Phone     62286624

© Catholic Education Office of Western Australia 2012.