| This professional learning workshop seeks to provide teachers and school leaders with an understanding of implementing, accessing and interpreting their school’s ACER PAT Adaptive data (Maths and Reading) using the Oars Platform and Learning Insights.
There will be an online option for regional participants.
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| This Professional Learning seeks to provide numeracy leaders with an opportunity to develop effective pedagogical practices and enhance subject knowledge in Numeracy that develop skills to build capacity of teachers within individual school contexts. These sessions are designed for numeracy leaders in schools to gather and provide the opportunity to learn, collaborate and share best practice. |
| | | | Newman Siena Centre, DOUBLEVIEW |
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| This meetings feature a number of Professional Learning sessions and opportunities for networking for the Secondary English HoLAs and teachers of Secondary English and Literature. The day will likely look at more than one of the Teacher Practices. Typically, Learning design, Engagement, and Instructional range will feature. |
| | | | Newman Siena Centre, DOUBLEVIEW |
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| The Women in Catholic Education Retreat offers women an opportunity to engage in discussions relevant to their personal and professional growth. |
| | | | St John of God Retreat Centre, SHOALWATER |
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| According to the Non-Government School Standards 10.6, all students receive a protective behaviours and sexual abuse prevention education. The Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum (KSCPC) is developed by experts in child abuse prevention, is age and developmental-stage appropriate, is culturally-appropriate, can be integrated into the wider curriculum, includes e-safety education and builds practical self-protective skills and strategies. |
| Sandra Peterson & Annie Gherardi |
| | | Newman Siena Centre, DOUBLEVIEW |
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| This Professional Learning opportunity will focus on the Teacher Practices of Quality Relationships, Learning Design , Engagement & Place, Space & Technology.
Secondary Education Support Network meetings provide an opportunity for coordinators and teachers of students with disability to come together to discuss current innovations, showcase good practice and set up professional networks. These meetings will allow teachers to increase their repertoire of good teaching and coordination practices which in turn will enhance outcomes for students.
| | | | Broome Regional Office, BROOME |
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| This Professional Learning opportunity will focus on the Teacher Practices of Quality Relationships, Learning Design , Engagement & Place, Space & Technology.
Secondary Education Support Network meetings provide an opportunity for coordinators and teachers of students with disability to come together to discuss current innovations, showcase good practice and set up professional networks. These meetings will allow teachers to increase their repertoire of good teaching and coordination practices which in turn will enhance outcomes for students.
| | | | Bunbury Parish Hall, BUNBURY |
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| This Professional Learning opportunity will focus on the Teacher Practices of Quality Relationships, Learning Design , Engagement & Place, Space & Technology.
Secondary Education Support Network meetings provide an opportunity for coordinators and teachers of students with disability to come together to discuss current innovations, showcase good practice and set up professional networks. These meetings will allow teachers to increase their repertoire of good teaching and coordination practices which in turn will enhance outcomes for students.
| | | | Newman Siena Centre, DOUBLEVIEW |
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| EMU is a second wave intervention programme designed to support children in primary school who are not progressing at an expected rate in developing mathematical understandings within the realms of the classroom program |
| Mistelle Moore/Jenny Jongste |
| | | Newman Siena Centre, DOUBLEVIEW |
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| Minecraft Education is an open world game that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem solving in an immersive environment where the only limit is your imagination. During this workshop, you will receive an overview of Minecraft Education, learn to play the game, and explore curriculum and classroom resources you can take back to your classroom and continue your journey.
In this workshop we will particularly focus on Numeracy and Maths activities, exploring how they can be effectively incorporated to enhance learning experiences.
The content will be most suitable for teachers and coordinators of Years 2-10. |
| Steven Payne, Minecraft Certified Trainer |
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