TitleRationalePresenterStart Date     End Date     VenueEnrol
EAL/D Leaders & Coordinators Network 2024
These sessions are designed to support EAL/D leaders in schools and to extend their knowledge of EAL/D practices with a focus on networking opportunities. The session will provide attendees with the opportunity to network, collaborate and share best practice.
Marisa Schiavi & Melissa Mikulich External presenters TBC
Newman Siena Centre, DOUBLEVIEW
Enrolment Closed
Gatekeeper Suicide Prevention 2 Day Workshop
Gatekeeper training teaches individuals who have regular contact with others in their community to recognise and respond to people at potential risk of suicide, to support those who are bereaved by suicide or those who have lived experience.
Mia Bennison & Phoebe Forlano
Newman Siena Centre - Seminar Room (S1.01), DOUBLEVIEW
Course Full
Women in Leadership: Embracing Authentic Catholic Leadership - 2024-Women in Leadership 2024 - Retreat
The five days Leadership program is aimed to equip female leaders with the confidence, mindset, grit and grace required to be effective leaders.
St John of God Retreat Centre, SHOALWATER
Enrolment Closed
Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum 1-Day General Course (Primary School Staff)-Bunbury
It is a Non-Government school registration requirement that all students receive a protective behaviours and sexual abuse prevention education. CEWA endorses and provides training in KS:CPC to meet this requirement. The Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) is developed by experts in child abuse prevention. It is age and developmental-stage appropriate, is culturally responsive and can be integrated into the wider curriculum. KS:CPC includes e-safety education and builds practical self-protective skills and strategies.
Sandra Peterson
Bunbury Parish Hall, BUNBURY
Enrolment Closed
Key Teacher Primary Science 2024-ONLINE
This Professional Learning is designed for Primary Science Specialists or Key Teachers in the learning area of Science to continue to develop the delivering of the Science curriculum. We will focus on creating authentic learning experiences for all students whilst reviewing the content and inquiry skills of the Science Learning area. This Professional Learning opportunity will focus on the teaching practices of Learning Design, Engagement, Instructional Range and Place, Space and Technology.
Caterina Di Carlantonio
Online, NA
Enrolment Closed
Berry Street Education Model Four Day online training - ONLINE-Day 2 (ONLINE)
Delivered over 4 selected days this interactive online training course is based on classroom strategies and informed by Berry Street’s approaches to trauma-informed learning and the science of wellbeing. Student-centred, their strategies provide teachers, leaders and allied education professionals with a practical toolkit to work with their most vulnerable students. The training is subsidised by CEWA through the Trauma Informed Schools Project.
Berry Street Model Education Team
Online, ONLINE
Enrolment Closed
Numeracy Leadership Day Continuation 2024-Day 2 of 2
These two days are a continuation of the Numeracy Leadership Program from 2023. Leaders will continue to look at sustainable and effective strategies to improve numeracy results across all year levels focusing on effective practices and contemporary pedagogy.
Numeracy Team
Newman Siena Centre, DOUBLEVIEW
Enrol Now
Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum 1-Day General Course (Secondary School Staff)-Bunbury
According to the Non-Government School Standards 10.6, all students receive a protective behaviours and sexual abuse prevention education. The Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum (KSCPC) is developed by experts in child abuse prevention, is age and developmental-stage appropriate, is culturally-appropriate, can be integrated into the wider curriculum, includes e-safety education and builds practical self-protective skills and strategies.
Sandra Peterson
Bunbury Parish Hall, BUNBURY
Enrolment Closed
Early Career Teacher Program Kimberley-Curriculum Adaption & Resources
The Early Career Teacher Program for Catholic Schools in the Kimberley is a comprehensive two-year professional learning opportunity spanning eight days, designed to provide invaluable support to early career educators teaching within the unique educational landscape of the Kimberley region. This program is a testament to our commitment to fostering the growth and development of teaching professionals, while concurrently nurturing the integration of the Catholic faith within the classroom environment.
School Support Team
Online, NA
Enrol Now
Unlocking Curiosity: Nurturing and Cultivating Inquiry Day 1: Nurturing and Cultivating Cultures of Curiosity: Leading with a Lens of Inquiry.
The inquiry process is a teaching practice that is used as a framework for teaching and learning with the students in our classrooms, but what happens when leaders use this philosophy to design, lead & inspire their teachers? In this session leaders will engage in school vision work, goal setting and specific action steps moving forward.
Trevor MacKenzie and Jessica Vance
Enrolment Closed
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